8 Healthy Snacks for Toddlers
Getting kids to eat healthy food can be hard, especially when they’re going through a picky phase. Check out these healthy snacks for toddlers that my son loves!
8 Healthy Snacks for Toddlers Read More 👉
Getting kids to eat healthy food can be hard, especially when they’re going through a picky phase. Check out these healthy snacks for toddlers that my son loves!
8 Healthy Snacks for Toddlers Read More 👉
Whether your diet is built completely around plant foods or you’re just moving toward more plant-based eating, beans deserve a front-and-center role in your menus.
Beans to Beat Diabetes and Heart Disease Read More 👉
I did a bit of research and found five reasons we should encourage our kids (and ourselves) to avoid artificial food colorings.
Five Compelling Reasons To Avoid Artificial Food Colorings Read More 👉
This casserole makes a great winter companion. It’s savory but warmly sweet and makes for tasty leftovers. Don’t be concerned by the number of ingredients — it all comes together quickly.
Retro Recipe: American Heart Association’s 1984 Enchilada Bake (Vegetarian) Read More 👉
It is suspected that planting fields containing a variety of crops is more efficient at warding off pests and disease compared to monoculture, which is a big argument for shifting towards organic farming, but it has not been well-studied. A recent grant will fund the study of biodiverse crop covers, and this is big step
Penn State Receives Grant to Study Organic Farming Read More 👉
Rather than packing a lunch loaded up with animal products like meat, cheese, and milk, try upping the health factor and adding more plant-based foods to your kids’ packed lunches.
How to Make School Lunches Healthier for Your Children Read More 👉
I love dark chocolate, and I’ve heard it’s good for you (or, at least, not bad for you) but I had never really looked into how much nutrition, what kind of nutrition, or what kind of other health benefits it offered. (I just assumed people were telling me the truth and didn’t concern myself too much with the matter — I eat it when I feel like it.) However, today, I have decided to look into the matter (yes, to write this post). After grabbing a little dark chocolate my partner brought me from the Czech Republic recently and sitting down to research the matter, I have to say that what I’ve found is pretty impressive…
Dark Chocolate Health Benefits Read More 👉
During the San Francisco Happy Meal dispute, McDonald’s VP of Nutrition and Menu Strategy Karen Wells claimed that “…our Happy Meals are frequently more balanced than either school lunches or meals served at home.” Ever since I read that, I’ve been wondering if it’s true. I’m finally going to compare numbers to find out.
Do McDonald’s Happy Meals Qualify for School Lunches? Read More 👉
New Year’s resolutions related to food are probably some of the most common. I guess it makes sense, given that food is such a central part of our lives and is also such a central part of many of our problems. Of course, as Heather pointed out earlier today, a lot of people don’t take
5 Food New Year’s Resolutions Read More 👉
Did you know that cruciferous vegetables were loaded with health benefits? I had a vague idea that they were some kind of super veggie but didn’t know any details. A little digging turned up a slough of information!
Top 3 Health Benefits of Cruciferous Vegetables Read More 👉
Black, green, white, and oolong teas all come from the same plant known as Camellia Sinensis. The more processing the leaves of the plant undergo, the darker they will turn. (Green and white being steamed quickly, black and oolong being dried and fermented.) Regardless of the processing method, brewed tea not only tastes good, but
10 Health Benefits of Drinking Tea Read More 👉