Vegan Recipes

stir fry

9 Meal Ideas that Make Going Vegan Easier (Because You’re Probably Already Making Them!)

When people ask me for advice on going vegan, the first thing I tell them is to look at the meals that they are already making regularly. Most of us tend to make the same things week after week. So I suggest starting there first. At my house, tacos, scrambles, pizza, and salad make regularly weekly appearances.

9 Meal Ideas that Make Going Vegan Easier (Because You’re Probably Already Making Them!) Read More πŸ‘‰

Cross-Country Vegan: 10 Tips for Eating Well on the Road (with Tailgate-Chef Thai Noodle Recipe)

I love road trips! But I don’t love fast food, gas-station junk, or being hungry. Traveling through our fast-food nation can be challenging for real-food whole-food vegan-food enthusiasts; but with a bit of forethought and planning, eating well on the road can be quick, easy, and delicious!

Cross-Country Vegan: 10 Tips for Eating Well on the Road (with Tailgate-Chef Thai Noodle Recipe) Read More πŸ‘‰

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