
Cross-Country Vegan: 10 Tips for Eating Well on the Road (with Tailgate-Chef Thai Noodle Recipe)

I love road trips! But I don’t love fast food, gas-station junk, or being hungry. Traveling through our fast-food nation can be challenging for real-food whole-food vegan-food enthusiasts; but with a bit of forethought and planning, eating well on the road can be quick, easy, and delicious!

Cross-Country Vegan: 10 Tips for Eating Well on the Road (with Tailgate-Chef Thai Noodle Recipe) Read More 👉

Cajun Recipe: Maque Choux Soup (Psst! It’s vegan!)

Vegetarian and vegan recipes in Cajun cooking are few and far between. This one is a twist on the traditional corn side dish called maque choux, which is pronounced “mock shoe.” My grandmother made it in the summer time when fresh corn is sweet and abundant. My mother usually serves it with barbeque chicken and dirty rice.

Cajun Recipe: Maque Choux Soup (Psst! It’s vegan!) Read More 👉

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