Fall salads are as bright and colorful as the falling leaves outside now. I hope you’ll try this easy fresh beet, apple and yam salad with cranberry dressing.
The recipe is simple. First boil and roast the beets and yams. Then let cool, slice some organic apples and the golden beets together with the yams or sweet potatoes. Cranberry vinaigrette adds a delightful tang to this side dish.
To make the cranberry vinaigrette add organic cranberry sauce and any olive oil, vinegar or other berry to the mix, I had frozen organic raspberries which did the trick. This salad pairs well with many Thanksgiving stuffings, and fixings.
Here are more facts (and recipes) on the healthy ingredients in this great thanksgiving salad:
- Cranberries: Rachel Venokur-Clark shares that cranberries cure urinary tract infections and “this berry may also promote gastrointestinal and oral health, prevent the formation of kidney stones, lower LDL and raise HDL (good) cholesterol, aid in recovery from stroke, and even help prevent cancer.“
- Yams and Sweet Potatoes: Scrumptious sweet potatoes and yams are very high in vitamin C and A.
- Apples: Zachary Shahan explains how apples are “believed to reduce the risk of some cancers, they improve the functioning of the intestines, eliminate cholesterol from the digestive tract, cleanse the lungs and colon, and help to prevent and potentially cure appendicitis.”
- Beets: Known for their detoxifying properties beets contain vitamin B folate which promotes a healthy cardiovascular system.