Meatless Monday: An Icy Drink and A Creamy Dinner Dish

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Meatless Mondays have evolved to include Tofu Tuesdays, Wheat-Free Wednesday (every day is wheat free in our household), Tightwad Thursdays (otherwise known as food on the cheap) and Fun Fridays. Our family enjoys a minimum of two nights a week sans meat and often I sneak in a few more.  Fridays are always fun, because this is when we opt for all kinds of new tricks to get kids to eat their veggies or help prepare dinner.
Today, I’ve made a new iced coffee beverage that is so good, I have to share! I’m also posting our dinner for tonight, using the vegan cream of mushroom soup recipe I posted a while back. Can you say… “Yum-O!”? Sorry… I don’t have a photo to share yet, since it’s not dinnertime. :)
Iced Coffee Deliciousness
Makes a full carafe on my 4 cup pot, which translates to two large glasses.

1/4 cup Peace Coffee (or your choice of organic, fair trade coffee grounds)

2 tsp ground cinnamon

4 Tbs Wholesome Sweeteners Evaporated Cane Sugar

1/2 cup MimicCreme unsweetened cream replacer (if using sweetened, reduce your sugar).

Water to brew coffee

Ice to fill two glasses + extra

Place the coffee grounds and cinnamon in the basket of your coffee pot, add water and brew.  While the coffee is brewing, fill two glasses with ice (all the way to the top), add 1/4 MimicCreme and 2 Tbs. cane sugar to each glass, mix with a long stir stick.  When the coffee is done, pour into glasses and mix well.  Taste and add more sweetener if needed.  Add more ice if needed.

The cinnamon in the grounds is fabulous… my house smelled yummy while it brewed and the coffee is tasty!

Creamy Veggie Rice (serves 4)

2 cups vegan cream of mushroom soup

4 cups prepared whole grain brown rice

1 cup sliced zucchini

1 cup sliced carrots

1 cup chopped broccoli

1 cup diced firm tofu (optional)

2 gloves garlic- diced

1/2 chopped red onion (or whatever amount tickles your fancy)

1 Tbs olive oil

Celtic sea salt & pepper to taste

Pour olive oil into a well heated, large skillet (heat over med-high).  Add garlic, onion, and carrots.  Saute for about 3 minutes (until they begin to get a bit tender). Add zucchini, broccoli and tofu.  Continue to saute until desired tenderness (we like them still a bit crunchy).  Add cream of mushroom soup and heat through.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Serve over brown rice with a giant side salad and fresh fruit to get your half raw quota in!  This is a super quick meal if you already have the creamy mushroom soup prepared in your freezer… if you are making it tonight, make extra to freeze for next time!

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