Organic Food

Food Labels: Organic? Fair Trade? Certified Humane? What Does it All Mean?

Fair Trade Coffee. Certified Humane Raised and Handled Chicken. Organic everything. Anyone not living under a rock in a remote, sandy location for the last five years has seen the prodigious rise to prominence of eco-labels at their local grocery store. You may not pay these little badges much attention, or if you do, you

Food Labels: Organic? Fair Trade? Certified Humane? What Does it All Mean? Read More πŸ‘‰

Green Diva’s Guide to Delicious Living: A Local Food Gathering Expedition

My dear blog buddy, Yarny Old Kim, happens to live near my current hood, but is relatively new to the area, so we went on a local food gathering field trip last weekend. First stop was to our local ‘bee lady’ Landi @ Gooserock Farm for wonderful local honey and bee-related products — some of

Green Diva’s Guide to Delicious Living: A Local Food Gathering Expedition Read More πŸ‘‰

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