Author name: Guest Contributor

is many, many people. We publish a number of guest posts from experts in a large variety of fields. This is our contributor account for those special people. :D

7 Ways to Ditch Fad Diets, & Change Your Lifestyle!

How many ‘eating plans’ have you been on, in your lifetime? According to the CDC, 70% of adult Americans are overweight or obese — and that number is not decreasing, regardless of the fact that the fad diet industry is booming. If you’re working towards healthy-body-weight goals, it’s important to consider just why quick fix diets don’t work. And more importantly, it’s important to explore the basic rules of what does work! For a lastingly healthy lifestyle and an end to destructive fad diets, read on…

7 Ways to Ditch Fad Diets, & Change Your Lifestyle! Read More πŸ‘‰

Eating Fresh, Local Food Direct Through Community Supported Agriculture

If you’re looking to eat amazingly fresh food, support local farmers, and live a more sustainable lifestyle, then consider investing in a farm share. Also known as Community Supported Agriculture (or CSA), farm sharing has become an increasingly common option for consumers to purchase food directly from a local farm.

Eating Fresh, Local Food Direct Through Community Supported Agriculture Read More πŸ‘‰

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